SlowView License Author: Nikolaus Brennig Internet: Copyright (C) 1998-2002 Nikolaus Brennig. All Rights Reserved. ATTENTION: READ CAREFULLY ========================= Upon installing, copying or otherwise using SlowView you accept to be bound to the terms and conditions of this license. --------------------------------------------- If you do not accept the terms and conditions found in this license you have to uninstall and to not use this software "SlowView". --------------------------------------------- This software "SlowView" is provided "as-is" without any warranty, either implied or expressed. In no event shall the author of this software "SlowView" be held liable for any data loss, misconfiguration or any other damage occuring from the use of this software "SlowView". You are granted the right to install and use "SlowView" free of charge on any of your computersystems. You are granted the right to make an unlimited number of copies of this software "SlowView". You are not allowed to disassemble, decompile or patch the "slowview.exe" file shipped with this distribution without prior written approval by the author of "SlowView". You are not allowed to alter or change the contents of the original software archive "SlowView.exe" and "" found on Nikolaus Brennig reserves the right to license the same software to other individuals or entities under a different license agreement.